This is an implementation of a basic RNN (not bi-directional, not an LSTM) from scratch (using only numpy). This program will do character level text prediction. rnn

Thanks to Siraj Raval for the walkthrough here that was immensely helpful.

Import libraries and data

import numpy as np
import random
def import_data(file):
    data = open(file, 'r').read()
    chars = list(set(data))
    char_to_ix = {ch:i for i,ch in enumerate(chars)}
    ix_to_char = {i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(chars)}
    return data, chars, char_to_ix, ix_to_char
data, chars, char_to_ix, ix_to_char = import_data('kafka.txt')
def encode_one_hot(text, char_to_ix):
    indices = [char_to_ix[char] for char in text]
    vectors = np.zeros((len(indices),len(char_to_ix)))
    vectors[range(len(indices)), indices] = 1
    return vectors
def decode_one_hot(vectors, ix_to_char):
    text = ''
    for vector in vectors:
        index = np.argmax(vector)
        text += ix_to_char[index]
    return text
def input_to_target(vectors):
    return vectors[1:,:]
print(decode_one_hot(input_to_target(encode_one_hot(data, char_to_ix)),ix_to_char))
ne morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked.

"What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer...
vectors = encode_one_hot(data, char_to_ix)

Forward Prop

def initialize_parameters(vectors, hidden_size, seed=1):
    (data_length, vocab_size) = vectors.shape
    Whx = np.random.randn(hidden_size, vocab_size)*0.01
    Wha = np.random.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size)*0.01
    Wya = np.random.randn(vocab_size, hidden_size)*0.01
    bh = np.zeros((hidden_size,1))
    by = np.zeros((vocab_size,1))
    parameters = (Whx, Wha, Wya, bh, by)
    dWhx = np.zeros_like(Whx)
    dWha = np.zeros_like(Wha)
    dWya = np.zeros_like(Wya)
    dbh = np.zeros_like(bh)
    dby = np.zeros_like(by)
    dparameters = (dWhx, dWha, dWya, dbh, dby)
    mWhx = np.zeros_like(Whx)
    mWha = np.zeros_like(Wha)
    mWya = np.zeros_like(Wya)
    mbh = np.zeros_like(bh)
    mby = np.zeros_like(by)
    memories = (mWhx, mWha, mWya, mbh, mby)
    return parameters, dparameters, memories
def softmax(z):
    exp = np.exp(z)
    return exp/sum(exp)
def loss(y_hat, y):
    return -np.log(y_hat[np.where(y==1)])
def forward_step(a_t_minus_one, x, parameters):
    (Whx, Wha, Wya, bh, by) = parameters
    h = +[:,None]) + bh
    a = np.tanh(h)
    z = + by
    y_hat = softmax(z)
    return y_hat, a
def forward_prop(X, Y, parameters, init_a):
    A[-1] = init_a.copy()
    Y_hat = []
    losses = []
    for t in range(len(Y)):
        x = X[t,:]
        y = Y[t,:]
        y_hat, a = forward_step(A[t-1], x, parameters)
        A[t] = a
        losses.append(loss(y_hat, y))
    return A, Y_hat, losses

Backward prop

def backward_step(x, y, y_hat, a, a_t_minus_one, da_next, parameters, dparameters):
    (dWhx, dWha, dWya, dbh, dby) = dparameters
    (Whx, Wha, Wya, bh, by) = parameters
    dy = np.copy(y_hat) - y
    dWya +=
    dby += dy
    da = + da_next
    dh = (1.0-a**2)*da
    dWhx +=
    dWha +=
    dbh += dh
    da_next =
    dparameters = (dWhx, dWha, dWya, dbh, dby)
    for dparameter in dparameters:
        np.clip(dparameter, -5, 5, out=dparameter)
    return da_next, dparameters
def backward_prop(X, Y, Y_hat, A, parameters, dparameters):
    da_next = np.zeros_like(dparameters[3])
    _, dparameters, _ = initialize_parameters(X, len(A[0]))
    for t in reversed(range(len(Y))):
        x = X[t,:][:,None]
        y = Y[t,:][:,None]
        y_hat = Y_hat[t]
        a = A[t]
        a_t_minus_one = A[t-1]
        da_next, dparameters = backward_step(x, y, y_hat, a, a_t_minus_one, da_next, parameters, dparameters)
    return parameters, dparameters


def sequence_generator(a, parameters, char_to_ix, ix_to_char, seed_char=None, n=100):
    (Whx, Wha, Wya, bh, by) = parameters
    if seed_char is None:
        seed_char = ix_to_char[random.randrange(len(by))]
    if isinstance(seed_char,str):
        X = encode_one_hot(seed_char, char_to_ix)
        x = X[-1,:][:,None]
        x = seed_char[:,None]
    Y_hat = [x]
    for i in range(n):
        h = + + bh
        a = np.tanh(h)
        z = + by
        y_hat = softmax(z)
        x = (y_hat==y_hat.max()).astype(int)
    seq = decode_one_hot(Y_hat, ix_to_char)
    return seq
testing = initialize_parameters(vectors, 100, seed=123)
sequence_generator(testing[0][3], testing[0], char_to_ix, ix_to_char, seed_char='A')
def train_rnn(data, hyperparameters, seed=1, init_parameters=None, use_init_parameters=False):

    # unpack hyperparameters
    hidden_size = hyperparameters['hidden_size']
    seq_length = hyperparameters['seq_length']
    learning_rate = hyperparameters['learning_rate']
    epochs = hyperparameters['epochs']
    sample_freq = hyperparameters['sample_freq']

    # generate vectors and vocab dictionaries
    chars = list(set(data))
    char_to_ix = {ch:i for i,ch in enumerate(chars)}
    ix_to_char = {i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(chars)}
    vectors = encode_one_hot(data, char_to_ix)
    target = input_to_target(vectors)

    # initialize parameters and smooth_loss
    parameters, dparameters, memories = initialize_parameters(vectors, hidden_size, seed=seed)
    smooth_loss = np.log(len(char_to_ix))*seq_length # loss at iteration 0
    init_a = np.zeros_like(parameters[3])
    if use_init_parameters==True:
        parameters = init_parameters
    p = 0 # position to start reading at
    # forward and backward prop
    for i in range(epochs):
        if p+seq_length>len(vectors): # start from the beginning of the book again
            p = 0
            init_a = np.zeros_like(parameters[3])
        X = vectors[p:p+seq_length]
        Y = target[p:p+seq_length]
        A, Y_hat, losses = forward_prop(X, Y, parameters, init_a)
        init_a = A[seq_length-1]
        if (i==0 or (i+1)%sample_freq == 0):
            print('Iter:', i+1, 'Loss:', smooth_loss)
            sequence_generator(init_a, parameters, char_to_ix, ix_to_char, seed_char=X[-1], n=100)
        parameters, dparameters = backward_prop(X, Y, Y_hat, A, parameters, dparameters)

        # update using adagrad
        for parameter, dparameter, memory in zip(parameters, dparameters, memories):
            memory += dparameter*dparameter
            parameter -= learning_rate*dparameter/np.sqrt(memory+1e-8)
        smooth_loss = smooth_loss* 0.999 + np.sum(losses)*0.001
        p+= seq_length

    return loss, parameters    
hyperparameters = {
    'hidden_size' : 150,
    'seq_length' : 35,
    'learning_rate' : 0.05,
loss, parameters = train_rnn(data, hyperparameters, seed=1)
Iter: 1 Loss: 153.37093221358583

Iter: 1000 Loss: 114.98703910985724
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Iter: 2000 Loss: 89.98119716264166
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Iter: 3000 Loss: 78.24674308913039
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Iter: 4000 Loss: 81.04244786556373
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Iter: 5000 Loss: 73.78070609787777
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Iter: 6000 Loss: 68.36697717802687
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Iter: 7000 Loss: 66.07226962796535
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Iter: 8000 Loss: 71.86785818263544
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Iter: 9000 Loss: 67.36134684532409
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Iter: 10000 Loss: 63.723388456472314
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